Increasingly sophisticated MCMC and Monte Carlo algorithms raise the scope for errors, either in derivations of mathematical quantities needed for sampling, or implementation errors. Testing for such errors should be an integral and routine part of the workflow of any Bayesian analysis.
mcunit makes it easy to do this, by allowing for unit testing MCMC and other Monte Carlo implementations within the framework of the testthat package (Wickham 2011). The methods correspond to those proposed in Gandy and Scott (2020). They are based on statistical hypothesis testing, and are designed to achieve an arbitrarily low false rejection probability, so that the user can be confident that a correctly implemented algorithm will almost certainly not be rejected. By default, this false rejection rate is set to 10−5.
MCMC samplers can be testes using expect_mcmc
. These functions use different
statistical hypothesis tests described in Section 2.1 and 2.2 of (Gandy and Scott 2020) respectively.
requires that the sampler to be
tested is (or at least, is expected to be) reversible.
This vignette demonstrates how to use these tests, using the following simple example. Consider the model y ∼ θ1 + θ2 + ϵ, where θ := (θ1, θ2) is apriori independent, zero mean normal with standard deviation σ = 10. The white noise term ϵ is independent from θ and also zero mean normal but with variance σϵ2 = 0.1. While inference is easy here, we consider drawing samples from the posterior π(θ ∣ y) using a Gibbs sampler. The posterior conditional distributions for θ1 and θ2 are normal with expectations $$\mathbb{E}(\theta_i | y, \theta_j) = \frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^2_{\epsilon} + \sigma^2}(y - \theta_j),$$ and variances $$\mathbb{V}(\theta_i | y, \theta_j) = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}} + \frac{1}{\sigma^2}}.$$
Start with a correctly implemented random scan Gibbs sampler. First load the package and set the seed.
## Loading required package: mcunit
The following function updates one element of θ given the other and given the observed data y.
gibbsUpdate <- function(y, theta_j) {
# Samples theta_i given y and theta_j
mean <- 100 * (y - theta_j) / (100 + 0.1)
var <- 1. / (1. / 100 + 1. / 0.1)
rnorm(1, mean=mean, sd=sqrt(var))
The argument y
is the observed data, and
is the component to condition on. From this, we
define a correctly implemented random scan sampler.
randomScan <- function(theta, y, thinning) {
# Random Scan Gibbs
for(i in 1:thinning) {
# select index to update
i <-,1)
theta[i] <- gibbsUpdate(y, theta[i %% 2 + 1])
This function takes the current state of the chain
, the data y
and a thinning parameter
which determines the number of individual updates to make before
returning the new state.
Our task is to test the correctness of randomScan
. We
will do this using both expect_mcmc
. This latter method can be used
because the sampler should, if correct, be reversible.
Both methods require a list object
which describes the
MCMC sampler to be tested. The list must contain the following
: A function with no arguments that
generates a sample from the prior distribution. No default value.object$gendata
: A function that takes as input the
parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the
observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.object$stepMCMC
: A function that takes three arguments:
: the current position of the chain (of the same
type as produced by the prior),dat
: the observed data (of the same type as produced by
: the number of steps the chain should take. 1
corresponds to one step.object$test
: Function that takes either one or two
arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for
checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a
parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a
data value. An example is the identity function: f(θ) = θ.
Alternatively, if you have access to the model’s likelihood function,
you could use p(y ∣ θ).Please see the documentation for expect_mcmc
for further details on this.
We begin constructing this list by defining the prior sampler and the data sampler.
obj <- list()
obj$genprior <- function() rnorm(n=2, mean=0, sd=10)
obj$gendata <- function(theta) sum(theta) + rnorm(n=1, mean=0, sd=sqrt(0.1))
As test functions, we use the components θ1, theta2, the prior density π(θ) and likelihood function p(y ∣ θ). The density and likelihood appear to be a good default choice because they are one-dimensional regardless of the dimension of the parameter vector and data.
priorDensity <- function(theta) prod(dnorm(theta, mean=0, sd=10))
likelihood <- function(theta, y) dnorm(y, mean=sum(theta), sd=sqrt(0.1))
testVec <- function(theta, y) c(theta[1], theta[2], priorDensity(theta), likelihood(theta, y))
obj$test <- testVec
Finally, we are left to define a single MCMC step.
## $genprior
## function ()
## rnorm(n = 2, mean = 0, sd = 10)
## $gendata
## function (theta)
## sum(theta) + rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(0.1))
## $test
## function (theta, y)
## c(theta[1], theta[2], priorDensity(theta), likelihood(theta,
## y))
## $stepMCMC
## function (theta, dat, thinning)
## randomScan(theta, dat, thinning)
First consider expect_mcmc
. We use 100 thinning steps between samples to give
the test some power to detect errors.
No errors were detected, because there are none. Recall that the
false rejection rate is set to 10−5 by default, and so repeated
application of this test should very rarely flag
This sampler is also reversible, and so we try
Again, no error is detected (as expected).
Consider systematic scan of the vector θ rather than random scan.
systematicScan <- function(theta, y, thinning) {
# Systematic Scan Gibbs
for(i in 1:thinning) {
theta[1] <- gibbsUpdate(y, theta[2])
theta[2] <- gibbsUpdate(y, theta[1])
This sampler is correct and expect_mcmc
is unlikely to
falsely detect errors.
obj$stepMCMC <- function(theta, dat, thinning) systematicScan(theta, dat, thinning)
expect_mcmc(obj, thinning = 100)
Good. What happens using expect_mcmc_reversible
thinning of 1?
## Error: Test failed for components 1 with p-values=1.431056e-14 in iteration 2
## Iteration 2 (4000 samples)
## Rejection if min(p) <= 2.44262e-06; No rejection if min(p) > 0.03655569.
The test failed. This illustrates why
should not be used for a
non-reversible sampler - we have no guarantee over the false rejection
rate. Even though this sampler is correctly implemented, we are
erroneously detecting an error.
Now we make a genuine mistake in the sampler, and investigate whether the methods detect it. We replace the variance terms σ2 and σϵ2 in 𝕍(θi|y, θj) with their corresponding standard deviations (i.e. σ and σϵ).
gibbsUpdate <- function(y, theta_j) {
# Samples theta_i given y and theta_j
mean <- 100 * (y - theta_j) / (100 + 0.1)
var <- 1. / (1. / 10 + 1. / sqrt(0.1))
rnorm(1, mean=mean, sd=sqrt(var))
Also make sure to switch back to random scan…
Rerunning the tests…
## Error: Test failed for components 4 with p-values=1.067384e-36 in iteration 1
## Iteration 1 (1000 samples)
## Rejection if min(p) <= 3.571429e-07; No rejection if min(p) > 0.03655361.
## Error: Test failed for components 4 with p-values=4.940024e-63 in iteration 1
## Iteration 1 (1000 samples)
## Rejection if min(p) <= 3.571429e-07; No rejection if min(p) > 0.03655361.
Great! Both tests detect a problem. Even better, you can be pretty much sure there is a problem because the chance of a false rejection is upper bounded by 10−5!