Package 'mcunit'

Title: Unit Tests for MC Methods
Description: Unit testing for Monte Carlo methods, particularly Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, are implemented as extensions of the 'testthat' package. The MCMC methods check whether the MCMC chain has the correct invariant distribution. They do not check other properties of successful samplers such as whether the chain can reach all points, i.e. whether is recurrent. The tests require the ability to sample from the prior and to run steps of the MCMC chain. The methodology is described in Gandy and Scott (2020) <arXiv:2001.06465>.
Authors: Axel Gandy [aut, cre], James Scott [aut]
Maintainer: Axel Gandy <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.3.4
Built: 2025-03-07 03:34:55 UTC

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Test Bernoulli distribution using buckets


Test if the success probability of a Bernoulli experiment lies within a desired 'bucket'. This used the sequential procedure described in Gandy et al. (2019).


expect_bernoulli(object, J, ok, epsilon = 0.001, ...)



Function that performs one sampling step. Returns 0 or 1.


Buckets to use. A matrix with two rows, each column describes an interval bucket. Column names give names for the bucket(s).


Name of bucket(s) that pass the Unit test.


Error bound.


Further parameters to be passed on to 'mctest'.


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


Gandy A, Hahn G, Ding D (2019). “Implementing Monte Carlo Tests with P-value Buckets.” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. doi:10.1111/sjos.12434, Accepted for publication, 1703.09305,


J <- matrix(nrow=2,c(0,0.945, 0.94,0.96, 0.955,1))
   colnames(J) <- c("low","ok","high")
   gen <- function() as.numeric(runif(1)<0.95)

Test iid samples for correct cdf using chisq test


Test if samples are behaving like an iid sample from a given distribution via the chisq test and a sequential approach. Only works for discrete distributions taking finitely many values.


expect_mc_iid_chisq(object, prob, control = NULL)



A function taking one argument - that generates n univariate iid samples.


A vector of probabilities for finitely many consecutive integers from 0 onward.


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


sampler <- function(n) rbinom(n,prob=0.6,size=5)
   expect_mc_iid_chisq(sampler, dbinom(0:5,prob=0.6,size=5))

Test iid samples for correct cdf using KS test


Test if samples are behaving like an iid sample from a given CDF via the KS test and a sequential approach. Only works for continuous CDFs. Will report a warning if values are discrete


expect_mc_iid_ks(object, cdf, control = NULL)



A function taking one argument - that generates n univariate iid samples.


A univariate cumulative distribution function, taking exactly one argument.


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


sampler <- function(n) rnorm(n)
expect_mc_iid_ks(sampler, pnorm)

Test iid samples for correct mean


Test if samples are coming from a specific mean. Not guaranteed to be exact, as it estimates the standard error from the sample.


expect_mc_iid_mean(object, mean, control = NULL)



A function taking one argument - that generates n univariate iid samples.


The expected mean of the samples returned from object.


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


sampler <- function(n) rbinom(n,prob=0.6,size=5)
   expect_mc_iid_mean(sampler, mean=3)
   testthat::expect_error(expect_mc_iid_mean(sampler, mean=2))

Test if p-values are coming from the null using a sequential approach.


Requires as input a generic test that for a given sample size provides a vector of p-values. Aims to reject if these are not from the null. Guarantees a bound on the type I error rate.


expect_mc_test(object, control = NULL, npval = 1)



A function taking one argument n, which should be the sample size to use for the test. The function should return a named list with at least one element, "pvals", which is a vector of p-values.


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


number of p-values returned by the test. A Bonferroni correction is applied if >1. Default: 1.


The first argument is returned, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations within testthat (if control$returnsamples==FALSE). Otherwise, a named list containing outputs form the sequential tests, for example samples and pvalues. Each element is itself a list, of length equal to the number of sequential stages performed.


pvalsampler <- function(n) {
      x <-,size=n,replace=TRUE)-1;

Test of MCMC chain assuming reversibility of the chain


Test of MCMC steps having the correct stationary distribution assuming reversibility of the chain. Uses ideas from Besag and Clifford (1989) as extended to possible ties in Gandy and Scott (2020).


expect_mcmc(object, control = NULL, thinning = NULL, joint = FALSE)



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


If TRUE, then the MCMC uses systematic scan of both data and parameters, rather than just updating parameters with the sampler to be tested. Default: FALSE.


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


Besag J, Clifford P (1989). “Generalized Monte Carlo significance tests.” Biometrika, 76(4), 633–642. doi:10.1093/biomet/76.4.633.

Gandy A, Scott J (2020). “Unit Testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo Methods.” arXiv:2001.06465,

See Also

test_mcmc, expect_mcmc_reversible, sample_direct, sample_indirect


object <- list(genprior=function() rnorm(1),
               gendata=function(theta) rnorm(5,theta),
               stepMCMC=function(theta,data,thinning) {
                  f <- function(x) prod(dnorm(data,x))*dnorm(x)
                  for (i in 1:thinning) {
                     thetanew = rnorm(1,mean=theta,sd=1)
                     if (runif(1)<f(thetanew)/f(theta))
                     theta <- thetanew

Test of MCMC chain assuming reversibility of the chain


Test of MCMC steps having the correct stationary distribution assuming reversibility of the chain. Uses ideas from Besag and Clifford (1989) as extended to possible ties in Gandy and Scott (2020).


  control = NULL,
  thinning = NULL,
  nsteps = 10,
  p = 1,
  tolerance = 1e-08



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


Number of steps of the chain to use. Default: 10.


The probability with which the MCMC updates the parameter as opposed to the data in a given step. If less than 1.0, then the MCMC is a random scan on both data and parameters. Default: 1.0.


Absolute error where value of the samplers are treated as equal. Default: 1e-8.


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


Besag J, Clifford P (1989). “Generalized Monte Carlo significance tests.” Biometrika, 76(4), 633–642. doi:10.1093/biomet/76.4.633.

Gandy A, Scott J (2020). “Unit Testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo Methods.” arXiv:2001.06465,

See Also

expect_mcmc, test_mcmc_reversible, sample_rank


object <- list(genprior=function() rnorm(1),
               gendata=function(theta) rnorm(5,theta),
               stepMCMC=function(theta,data) {
                  f <- function(x) prod(dnorm(data,x))*dnorm(x)
                  thetanew = rnorm(1,mean=theta,sd=1)
                  if (runif(1)<f(thetanew)/f(theta))
                     theta <- thetanew
               test=function(x) x

Test if p-values are coming from the null using a sequential approach.


Requires as input a generic test that for a given sample size provides a vector of p-values. Aims to reject if these are not from the null. Guarantees a bound on the type I error rate.


mc_test(object, control = NULL, npval = 1)



A function taking one argument n, which should be the sample size to use for the test. The function should return a named list with at least one element, "pvals", which is a vector of p-values.


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated


number of p-values returned by the test. A Bonferroni correction is applied if >1. Default: 1.


A named list containing data about the sequential tests, for example samples and pvalues. Each element is itself a list, of length equal to the number of sequential stages performed.


pvalsampler <- function(n) { 
 x <-,size=n,replace=TRUE)-1;


Simple plot of sample autocorrelations for a given kernel


Uses sample_acfs() to estimate autocorrelation as a function of lag. This is done for a number of different sample parameters and data. The resulting estimates are then plotted.


  paths = 50,
  alpha = 0.3,
  steps = 500,
  thinning = 1,



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


Number of MCMC chains on which to estimate autocorrelation


Passes to geom_line and geom_point.


Number of steps to take within each chain


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


Additional arguments to pass to acf.


A ggplot object

Plot samples returned from expect_mc_iid_mean


Creates a plot for graphical testing of uniformity of rank statistics. This procedure was first described in XXX.


## S3 method for class 'mcunit_mc_iid_mean'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class "mcunit_mc_iid_mean", generated using expect_mc_iid_mean with option control=list(returnsamples=TRUE)


other parameters to satisify S3 method consistency - will be ignored.


An object of class "ggplot", which can be further modified.

See Also


Plot a histogram of rank statistics returned from a call to expect_mcmc_reversible


Creates a plot for graphical testing of uniformity of rank statistics. This procedure was first described in XXX.


## S3 method for class 'mcunit_ranktest'
plot(x, stage = length(x$ranks), ...)



An object of class "mcunit_ranktest", generated using expect_mcmc_reversible with option control=list(returnsamples=TRUE)


x contains sample ranks from each stage in the sequential tests. This determines which test in the sequence of sequential test to use. By default, the final stage is used.


other parameters to satisify S3 method consistency - will be ignored.


An object of class "ggplot", which can be further modified.

See Also


Printing results from function 'mc_test'.


Printing results from function 'mc_test'.


## S3 method for class 'mcunit_mc_test'
print(x, ...)



object to be printed


additional parameters passed to the function

Estimate autocorrelation for one chain applied to one sample of parameters and data


Estimate autocorrelation for one chain applied to one sample of parameters and data


sample_acfs(object, paths = 50, steps = 500, thinning = 1, ...)



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


Number of MCMC chains on which to estimate autocorrelation


Number of steps to take within each chain


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


Additional arguments to pass to acf.


A dataframe giving estimated autocorrelation per chain, per test statistic

Generate a sample directly from generative model


Sample one realisation of the test statistics by drawing data and paramaters directly from generative model, then applying the test statistics.





A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


A vector-valued sample from the test statistic

See Also

sample_indirect, test_mcmc, expect_mcmc

Generate a sample indirectly using MCMC


Sample one realisation of the test statistics indirectly by first drawing data and paramaters from the generative model, then applying MCMC to propagate the sample.


sample_indirect(object, thinning, joint)



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


If TRUE, then the MCMC uses systematic scan of both data and parameters, rather than just updating parameters with the sampler to be tested. Default: FALSE.


A vector-valued sample from the test statistic

See Also

sample_direct, test_mcmc, expect_mcmc

Draws a sample rank statistic using the method described by Algorithm 2 in Gandy and Scott (2020).


Used by test_mcmc_reversible to formally test uniformity of rank statistics.


sample_rank(object, nsteps = 10, thinning = 1, p = 1, tolerance = 1e-08)



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


Number of steps of the chain to use. Default: 10.


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


The probability with which the MCMC updates the parameter as opposed to the data in a given step. If less than 1.0, then the MCMC is a random scan on both data and parameters. Default: 1.0.


Absolute error where value of the samplers are treated as equal. Default: 1e-8.


An integer between 1 and nsteps


Gandy A, Scott J (2020). “Unit Testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo Methods.” arXiv:2001.06465,

See Also

test_mcmc_reversible, expect_mcmc_reversible

Test of MCMC chain


Test of MCMC steps having the correct stationary distribution without assuming reversibility of the chain. Details of this are in Gandy and Scott (2020); it uses ideas described in the appendix of Gandy and Veraart (2017).


test_mcmc(object, control = NULL, thinning = NULL, joint = FALSE)



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


If TRUE, then the MCMC uses systematic scan of both data and parameters, rather than just updating parameters with the sampler to be tested. Default: FALSE.


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


Gandy A, Scott J (2020). “Unit Testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo Methods.” arXiv:2001.06465,

Gandy A, Veraart LAM (2017). “A Bayesian Methodology for Systemic Risk Assessment in Financial Networks.” Management Science, 63(12), 4428–4446. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2016.2546.

See Also

expect_mcmc, test_mcmc_reversible, sample_direct, sample_indirect

Test of MCMC chain assuming reversibility of the chain


Test of MCMC steps having the correct stationary distribution assuming reversibility of the chain. Uses ideas from Besag and Clifford (1989) as extended to possible ties in Gandy and Scott (2020).


  control = NULL,
  thinning = NULL,
  nsteps = 10,
  p = 1,
  tolerance = 1e-08



A list describing the MCMC sampler with the following elements:

  • genprior: A function with no arguments that generates a sample of the prior distribution. No default value.

  • gendata: A function that takes as input the parameter value (of the type generated by genprior) and returns the observed data as an arbitrary R object. No default value.

  • stepMCMC: A function that takes two or three arguments:

    • theta: the current position of the chain (of the same type as produced by the prior),

    • dat: the observed data (of the same type as produced by gendat)

    • thinning: the number of steps the chain should take. 1 corresponds to one step. This argument need not be present.

  • test: Function that takes either one or two arguments, and returns a vector with components which will be used for checking the MCMC sampler. The first argument is interpreted as a parameter value, and if a second argument exists, it is interpreted as a data value. An example is the identity function: function(x) x. Alternatively, if you have access to the model's likelihood function, you could use: function(x,y) likelihood(x,y).


a list controlling the algorithm

  • n number of samples to be taken in the first step. Default: 1e3

  • maxseqsteps: Number of sequential attempts to use. Default: 7.

  • incn: Factor by which to multiply n from the second sequential attempt onward. Default: 4.

  • level: bound on the type I error, ie the probability of wrongly rejecting a sampler with the correct distribution. Default: 1e-5.

  • verbose: If TRUE then intermediate messages are printed to the console giving progress updates. Defaults to FALSE.

  • debug: deprecated

  • returnsamples: If FALSE (default) the returnvalue is the first argument as usualy for functions fittingh into the testthat framework. If TRUE then the generated samples are being returned


Amount of thinning for the MCMC chain. 1 corresponds to no thinning. Default: automatically computed to ensure an autocorrelation of at most 0.5 at lag 1.


Number of steps of the chain to use. Default: 10.


The probability with which the MCMC updates the parameter as opposed to the data in a given step. If less than 1.0, then the MCMC is a random scan on both data and parameters. Default: 1.0.


Absolute error where value of the samplers are treated as equal. Default: 1e-8.


The first argument, invisibly, to allow chaining of expectations.


Besag J, Clifford P (1989). “Generalized Monte Carlo significance tests.” Biometrika, 76(4), 633–642. doi:10.1093/biomet/76.4.633.

Gandy A, Scott J (2020). “Unit Testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo Methods.” arXiv:2001.06465,

See Also

test_mcmc, expect_mcmc_reversible, sample_rank


object <- list(genprior=function() rnorm(1),
               gendata=function(theta) rnorm(5,theta),
               stepMCMC=function(theta,data,thinning) {
                  f <- function(x) prod(dnorm(data,x))*dnorm(x)
                  for (i in 1:thinning) {
                     thetanew = rnorm(1,mean=theta,sd=1)
                     if (runif(1)<f(thetanew)/f(theta))
                     theta <- thetanew
               test=function(x) x

## without thinning
object$stepMCMC = function(theta,data){
     f <- function(x) prod(dnorm(data,x))*dnorm(x)
     thetanew = rnorm(1,mean=theta,sd=1)
     if (runif(1)<f(thetanew)/f(theta))
       theta <- thetanew