Adjusted code to use p-value buckets as in the final version of hte article "Implementing Monte Carlo Tests with P-value Buckets".
Added functionality for multiple thresholds (for article 'Implementing Monte Carlo Tests with Multiple Thresholds').
Added main functions 'mctest', 'mctest.RL' and 'mctest.simctest' as well as class 'mtestres'.
NEWS.RD file added.
Simplified examples in Rd files (and vignettes) to speed-up CRAN self-check.
Implemented functionality for article 'QuickMMCTest–Quick Multiple Monte Carlo Testing'
All changes in 'R/mmctest.R': parameter 'thompson' now available to enable 'QuickMMCTest' allocation of new samples.
Added intersecting of confidence intervals in 'mmctest' (file 'R/mmctest.R')
Implemented functionality for article 'MMCTest – A safe algorithm for multiple Monte Carlo tests'.
Added classes 'mmctest' and 'mmctestres' (in file 'R/mmctest.R') providing main functions 'mmctest' and 'mmctSampler' (plus further functionality).
Added manual Rd files in 'man/' and a new vignette in 'inst/simctest-mmctest-intro.Rnw'.
New example in manual file 'man/simctest.Rd'.
Added functions 'mcp' and 'mkdeltamid' (computation of the power of a Monte Carlo test).
Added new class 'mcpres' (in R/mcp.R).
Completed missing entries in the 'Rd' file manual (folder 'man').
Added the full JASA bib item in inst/CITATION after publication of the underlying JASA article.
Initial submission to CRAN.