Seeds set in Vignettes.
Bug fix for matrices of dimension > 1024.
Added specific support for some non-square matrices: Model.lambda.constant.nonsquare, Model.p.constant.nonsquare, calibrate_ER.nonsquare.
Addjusted that non-square matrices can be used (using fixed matrices for p and lambda). See the new vignette as an example.
Added methods to calibrate models to a given density.
Fixed parameter range checks for Fitness models.
Added Hierarchical Models.
Arbitrary values of the Matrix can now be force to equal 0 (not just the diagonal). An error message will be produced if no matrix exists for the given row and column sums. The function findFeasibleMatrix() supersedes getfeasibleMatrix()
Added automatic choice of thinning to achieve desired relative effective sample size (choosethin)
Added possibility to fix elements of L to some values.
Added a fitness based model for the matrix that incorporates power laws.
First CRAN upload.