An example using the fitness model ================================== This document describe a toy example for the use of the package systemicrisk. ```{r} set.seed(1238190) # arbitrary seed library(systemicrisk) ``` Suppose we observe the following vector of total liabilities and todal assets. ```{r} l <- c(714,745,246, 51,847) a <- c(872, 412, 65, 46,1208) ``` The following sets up a model for 5 banks: ```{r} mod <-,alpha=-2.5,beta=0.3,gamma=1.0, ``` Choosing thinning to ensure sample is equivalent to number of ```{r} thin <- choosethin(l=l,a=a,model=mod,silent=TRUE) thin ``` Running the sampler to produce 1000 samples. ```{r} res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l=l,a=a,model=mod,nsamples=1e3,thin=thin,silent=TRUE) ``` Some examples of the matrics generated are below. ```{r} res$L[[1]] res$L[[2]] ``` The sampler produces samples from the conditional distribution of matrix and parameter values given the observed data. To see the posterior distribution of the liabilities of Bank 1 towards Bank 2: ```{r fig.width=7,fig.height=4} plot(ecdf(sapply(res$L,function(x)x[1,2]))) ``` Diagnostic of the R-output -------------------------- All the caveats of MCMC algorithms apply. In particular the samples are dependent. Some automatic diagnostic can be generated via the function diagnose. ```{r} diagnose(res) ``` Trace plots of individual liabilities also shoud show rapid mixing - as seems to be the case for the liabilities of Bank 1 towards Bank 2. ```{r fig.width=7,fig.height=4} plot(sapply(res$L,function(x)x[1,2]),type="b") ``` Trace plot of the fitness of bank 1. ```{r fig.width=7,fig.height=4} plot(res$theta[1,],type="b") ``` Also, the autocorrelation function should decline quickly. Again, considering the liabilities between bank 1 and bank 2: ```{r fig.width=7,fig.height=4} acf(sapply(res$L,function(x)x[1,2])) ``` In this case it decays quickly below the white-noise threshold (the horizontal dashed lines).