Non-square Matrices ======================= This document describe an example of reconstructing a non-square matrix. ```{r} library(systemicrisk) ``` Set up vectors of row and column sums of length 10 and 4, respectively, ensuring that their sums matches up. ```{r} set.seed(1230) l <- rexp(10,rate=5/4) l a <- rexp(4); a <- a/sum(a)*sum(l) a ``` Construct a model with fixed matrix p and lambda. ```{r} mod <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(model.p=Model.p.constant(p=matrix(0.5,nrow=10,ncol=4)), model.lambda=Model.lambda.constant(lambda=matrix(5,nrow=10,ncol=4))) ``` Run the sampler to generate 10 samples. ```{r} res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l=l,a=a,model=mod,nsamples=10,silent=TRUE) ``` Here are the first two of these samples. ```{r} res$L[[1]] res$L[[2]] ```